
install H20 in Python & R

Open-source machine learning の H2O を最新版にアップしました。
まずはR。VS のプロジェクトからコマンドを打ち込んだところ、VS 再起動後に有効になりました。

Use H2O directly from R

Copy and paste these commands into R one line at a time:
# The following two commands remove any previously installed H2O packages for R.
if ("package:h2o" %in% search()) { detach("package:h2o", unload=TRUE) }
if ("h2o" %in% rownames(installed.packages())) { remove.packages("h2o") }

# Next, we download packages that H2O depends on.
pkgs <- c("RCurl","jsonlite")
for (pkg in pkgs) {
if (! (pkg %in% rownames(installed.packages()))) { install.packages(pkg) }

# Now we download, install and initialize the H2O package for R.
install.packages("h2o", type="source", repos="http://h2o-release.s3.amazonaws.com/h2o/rel-wolpert/2/R")

# Finally, let's load H2O and start up an H2O cluster

python はコマンドプロンプトから pip でOK。

Use H2O directly from Python

1. Prerequisite: Python 2.7.x, 3.5.x, or 3.6.x
2. Install dependencies (prepending with `sudo` if needed):

pip install requests
pip install tabulate
pip install scikit-learn
pip install colorama
pip install future
At the command line, copy and paste these commands one line at a time:

# The following command removes the H2O module for Python.
pip uninstall h2o
# Next, use pip to install this version of the H2O Python module.
pip install http://h2o-release.s3.amazonaws.com/h2o/rel-wolpert/2/Python/h2o-

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