
GSFLOW の計算方法

GSFLOW-GRASS v1.0.0: GIS-enabled hydrologic modeling of coupled groundwater–surface-water systems

有償の1ソフトを除き、既存の pre- post- には全ての連携をとれるものはなく、また不安定 & カスタマイズできないため、開発したとのこと。ありがたいですね。

この文献には、GSFLOW の機能がまとめられています。google先生の翻訳ベース付きで、残しておきましょう。

To link the PRMS and MODFLOW grids, the user must define gravity reservoirs at each different intersection of an HRU and a grid cell (Figure 1D).
The MODFLOW component of GSFLOW also relies on a user-specified stream network; stream segments represent tributaries, and the intersection of a stream segment with MODFLOW grid cells defines stream reaches (Figure 1A, D).
“Reaches” are defined as the section of each PRMS stream segment that lies within a single MODFLOW grid cell, and are numbered sequentially downstream as shown.
GSFLOW uses a daily computational time step for both the PRMS component and MODFLOW component. Flows are exchanged between each component at each time step. Multiple MODFLOW “stress periods” can be invoked to represent different subsurface boundary conditions within a simulation period, but their lengths must be integer days.
The PRMS component of GSFLOW includes various modules that can convert commonly available climate data into complete forcing inputs needed for model simulations. These modules include different methods for determining potential solar radiation, potential evapotranspiration, and snow accumulation / depletion; they also include different schemes for spatially distributing data from one or a few observations points over the entire watershed.
For unsaturated zone flow, PRMS does not implement Richards equation but instead applies efficient calculations to determine inputs and outputs for each HRU as well as exchanges among the three conceptual reservoir types within an HRU (GSFLOW manual Fig 19, Table 9). The “capillary zone” reservoir represents water held by capillary forces; it receives water through infiltration (based on parameter pref_flow_den) and loses water through evaporation and transpiration (based on parameters soil_moist_max, soil_rechr_max, and soil_type).
 「キャピラリーゾーン」リザーバーは毛管力によって保持される水を表します。その水は 浸透によって受け取り(パラメータpref_flow_denに基づく)、蒸発および蒸散によって失います(パラメータsoil_moist_max、soil_rechr_max、およびsoil_typeに基づく)。
After reaching field-capacity (parameter soil_moist_max), water transfers from the capillary zone to “gravity reservoirs,” where water can flow horizontally as slow interflow (based on parameters slowcoef_lin and slowcoef_sq) and drain vertically into the deeper subsurface domain handled by MODFLOW (based on parameters ssr2gw_rate, ssr2gw_exp, and ssrmax_coef);
gravity reservoirs can also receive groundwater discharge from the reservoirs drain directly to the saturated zone.
Saturated zone simulations (MODFLOW) employ finite difference solutions to the groundwater flow equation.
Streamflow, as calculated by the MODFLOW component, includes inputs from upstream reaches, surface runoff and interflow from the PRMS component, base flow from the saturated zone discharge, and flows from possible underlying unsaturated areas.
Outputs include flow to downstream reaches, leakage to groundwater, and flows to possible underlying unsaturated areas.
Discharge across the streambed follows Darcy calculations with specified streambed hydraulic properties.

The user can specify stream depths for each reach;
apply Manning’s equation to an assumed wide rectangular channel;
apply Manning’s equation for an eight-point-based channel and floodplain geometry;
apply at-a-station power-law relationships between discharge, flow width, and flow depth (Leopold and Maddock, 1953);
4.流出量、幅、深さの関係に「at-a-station power-law」(Leopold and Maddock、1953)を適用することができます。
specify an input look-up table of hydraulic geometries for each segment.
Streamflow can be simulated as either steady-state flow (parameter IRTFLG = 0),where outflow to the next stream reach balances inputs, or as transient flow (parameter IRTFLG > 0), using a kinematic wave formulation for surface water routing in channels, which applies the assumption that the water surface slope approximates the friction slope, and therefore negates backwater effects.
河川の流れは、流出・流入のバランスしている定常流(parameter IRTFLG = 0)か、運動波近似を使用した非定常流 (parameter IRTFLG > 0)としてシミュレーション可能です。※運動波近似は水面面勾配が摩擦勾配に近似していることを前提としているため、逆流作用は見込めません。


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