従来の STA/LTA 等ではうまくいかないDASのピッキングに機械学習を使ったという内容です。
I do understand that deep learning is currently a big hype and that it is tempfing, especially for young researchers, to become part of this. However, the days where the mere applicafion of some deep learning model was science, are over. With numerous easily usable programming tools, the training of a neural network (deep or not; this is just somewhat hollow semanfics) has become an easy task for undergraduate students. After all, it is what it is: fifting the coefficients of some funcfional form to a collecfion of data.
This said, it is not clear how exactly the authors go significantly beyond just training yet another deep neural network? What is the innovafion that goes beyond the obvious?
第3回高専GIRLS SDGs×Technology Contest(高専GCON2024)